Building capacity for water conflict prevention and diplomacy
Posted By Irene Jacobs
Met dank aan Eddy vanavond weer een bijdrage in het kader van ons lustrumthema water. Twee vooraanstaande docenten van het IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Jenniver Sehring (links) en Susanne Schmeier (rechts) vertellen over het voorkomen van conflicten a.g.v. waterproblematiek.
Jenniver Sehring is a Political Scientist who joined IHE Delft in 2018 as Senior Lecturer in Water Diplomacy at the Department of Integrated Water Systems and Governance. Her research and teaching focus on water governance at local, national and transboundary level and on institutional arrangements as well as practices of water cooperation and diplomacy. She coordinates the master programme “Water Cooperation and Diplomacy”, a joint programme with the University of Peace (UPEACE) in Costa Rica and Oregon State University in the US, as well as the DUPC2 Water Diplomacy Programme.
Susanne Schmeier is an Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy at IHE Delft, which she joined in 2018. Her research, teaching and advisory activities focus on the legal and institutional dimensions of water resources management at both the (sub-)national and the transboundary levels, the role of agreements and river basin organizations in promoting and maintaining sustainable water resources management, the linkages between water insecurity and conflict and related entry points for water-based cooperation and negotiation processes, as well as the sustainable management of ecosystems linked to water resources (including the management of mountain eco-regions and source-to-sea approaches as well as biodiversity). Susanne Schmeier also leads the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnership.